Sunday, July 26, 2009

Brean's Baby Shower

This past Saturday was Brean's baby shower for baby Carson! So much to celebrate with her and her family and definately makes me excited for his arrival- which will be here in a few short weeks! She will be an amazing mom! Sarah (in the middle) is due in August with baby Dallas:)

Baby Care Class

My mother in law Linda is an OB nurse and teaches the Baby Care class at Methodist Hosptial in Des Moines. She gave us our own personal session before we came back to Arizona.... and we are hoping will be able to be at the hospital when Baby Grant is born! As you can see Jason needs to some more practice with swaddling:)

Aaron & Katie's Wedding Weekend

We had a great weekend in Iowa for Aaron and Katie's weekend! We flew into Iowa on Thursday afternoon and had a BBQ that night at Jason's house... it was so much fun to just relax outdoors and just catch up with everyone before all of the upcoming festivities! Living so far away from everyone just makes us appreciate all of the times that we do get to spend together... Friday we decorated for their rehearsal dinner and then Saturday was the big day! Katie looked beautiful and Aaron couldn't stop smiling! They truly are a perfect match for each other!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

25 weeks and counting!

Hey Everyone! Had another tummy check at 24 weeks and our baby's heartbeat is healthy--- getting excited that our baby is getting bigger as I can feel him moving around all the time now and watching my stomach bulge to a side is so fun to see! just can't wait to meet him!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Maternity Pics

I am very blessed to have a sister who is a professional photographer! She was able to take some pics of me when I was visiting in Iowa and will snap a few more with Jason when we fly back to Iowa for his brother's wedding in a few weeks.... here are some of the shots:)

Baby Shower

The Sunday after Jen's wedding, my sister hosted a baby shower for me! I had so much fun celebrating with my friends and family... I really didn't want the shower to end! The shower had a sports theme so everyone had to place the football where they thought the baby would kick and we played the 'vegetable/baby' game ( a game we would play all the time when going to Central volleyball games in the vans). My mother- in- law made a super cute diaper cake and we had all sorts of yummy food for the brunch!

Jen and Andrew's wedding

My friend Jen got married this past weekend in Iowa! I have been looking forward to her wedding for months.... she looked soooo beautiful and so many of my friends from Central and Kansas City (who I only see once a year!) were there!!!! I am so happy for her and Andrew!:)